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When is World Vegan Day?

The first day of November is World Vegan Day.

What is World Vegan Day?

Many of us don’t know how we get our meat. Of course, we know it came from a cow or a chicken, but how did that animal’s life look day-to-day? The Vegan Society established World Vegan Day to spread awareness about the benefits of veganism and the methods of animal-product industries.

Vegans stand against animal cruelty and exploitation. Not only do they exclude animal foods from their diet, but they also avoid animal by-products like eggs. People choose veganism for many other reasons too, such as the environmental impact of animal-based diets, sustainability, and health benefits. Vegans also avoid clothing and other products derived from animals.

There’s a healthy way to become vegan, and there’s an unhealthy way to do it. So if you take up this lifestyle, do your research!

Fun facts about World Vegan Day!

  • Cancer rates in vegans are usually lower than in meat-eaters or vegetarians.
  • Vegans don’t get much Vitamin D in their diet. Since it’s a necessary vitamin for calcium absorption, vegans use supplements and take in direct sunlight to absorb Vitamin D.
  • Vegans are extreme vegetarians. While vegetarians don’t eat meat, they still consume the animal by-products (such as milk) that vegans avoid.
  • Conventional beekeepers harvest honey from beehives and replace it with a sugar substitute that does not contain the same nutrients as honey, which may weaken bee colonies over time. Because of this, honey is not considered a vegan-friendly food.

How to celebrate World Vegan Day:

Cook up something nutritious, delicious, and devoid of animal products. While you cook, get the whole family (or your roommates) in the kitchen to hang out and talk about the virtues of veganism.

Find vegan food festivals in your area, and invite your friends to go with you.

If want to adopt a vegan diet, take it slow by making small changes every day. This will help you stay committed. Start with vegan breakfasts, or exclude meat and dairy from one day each week, and then increase the frequency from there.

What’s the hashtag for World Vegan Day?

To show your dedication to veganism, use #WorldVeganDay on social media.