What is World Romance Scam Prevention Day?
A day to bring additional awareness in hopes of preventing online romance scams. Just under 1 billion dollars left the United States last year because of victims sending money to their significant other (which ended up being a scam). We are here to help bring awareness and education to all social media users and then some!
Why was World Romance Scam Prevention Day created?
Unfortunately, most individuals do not believe they can be victimized in an online romance scam. Educating others with literature isn’t as fun and eye catching as a National Day! We hope to get together with other advocates, businesses and possibly law enforcement to support this well needed day! We want everyone to be aware and this is a great way!
How should this day be celebrated or observed?
This day should be shown across every social media platform. Talked about in cybersecurity forums. Advertised on media channels such as radio, podcasts, YouTube, partnering websites. People should want to share the information with their family. Write their congressmen for the need of safer platforms! Education is the key.