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When is World Backup Day?

March 31st is World Backup Day.

What is World Backup Day?

House fires and hackers can destroy your life. Data loss can permanently delete important documents, family pictures, and those priceless videos of your kids. World Backup Day reminds us to create multiple copies of our important files to keep them safe from accidental or malicious deletion.

We store so much of our lives digitally. Phones, laptops, and home computers house memories we couldn’t bear to lose. Many of us also keep side projects and work assignments on our personal devices.

One malevolent hacker can undo it all. In one high-profile incident in 2012, journalist Matt Honan’s Amazon account was used to access and wreck his Apple ID account, Gmail, and Twitter. After that, the hackers completely wiped his iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Threats abound in our digital world, and World Backup Day urges us to protect ourselves against the possibility of epic data loss.

Facts about World Backup Day!

  • All hard drives eventually fail, and only 50% of data recoveries actually succeed.
  • About 30% of laptops are stolen or undergo data loss, but you’re more likely to be hacked remotely than have your laptop stolen.
  • Small businesses that experience catastrophic data loss tend to go out of business in less than a year.

How to celebrate World Backup Day:

  • Get an external hard drive, and back up your important files. Do this manually, or find instructions online to have an external hard drive automatically back up your entire computer.
  • Open an account with an online data storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon Cloud Drive to backup your current projects and pictures. If you want to backup your entire computer online, search for “online backup reviews” to see what’s out there.

What’s the hashtag for World Backup Day?

Spread the word on social media with #WorldBackupDay.