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Oneofusismissing Day

When is Oneofusismissing Day? This day will take place on July 8 of each calendar year.

What is Oneofusismissing Day?
On this day 2019, I joined a culture of people I never intended on joining. I lost my only daughter in a horrible car accident with two of her best friends. This does not sum up their lives but it brings awareness to the fact that we only have one life and one chance. I survived losing my daughter. She is the reason I stepped into the role of a mother. My body transformed to bring forth a life that’s no longer here. The age of her life is not what’s important. One of us will always be missing. Recently, we’ve lost so many people in record numbers. I want their families to know that we stand together in the grieving process. There is life after death. It’s ok to live laugh and love again. On this day we can reflect on those we have lost by doing a cohesive fun activity to promote healing.This will be the day that people of all nationalities across the nation can come together and celebrate the lives and experiences of those we have lost to gun violence, police brutality, accidents, miscarriages, stillbirths and natural causes. Grief will not consume us.
This day will be a day of healing!

Why is this day being celebrated or observed? This day is being created to stand together in support of one another to bring healing to our nation.

How should this day be celebrated or observed? This day should be celebrated with conversations, videos, and stories of the experiences left with us by our loved ones. Every year we will create a national day of unified activities to celebrate having someone to miss.…if only for one day that all nationalities can be of one accord without personal beliefs and religion creating barriers, then our nation will begin to heal.

Who created this day? This day was created in April 2021 by Latonya Brown.