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When is World Theater Day?

March 27th is World Theater Day.

What is World Theater Day?

There’s no biz like show biz, and World Theater Day makes the point clear. It’s a day to celebrate theater for its own sake and for the economic and social value it brings to a community.

World Theater Day promotes the value of theater to communities. Laurence Olivier called theater the “outward and visible sign of an inward and probable culture.” Drama cultivates the ability to empathize with other humans and feel what they feel.

The International Theater Institute (itself a UNESCO creation) founded World Theater Day in 1961. ITI chooses a speaker every year to give a message, which is then translated into a wide number of languages. The purpose of the day is to deepen communication between peoples, to fight discrimination, and to stimulate creativity in the world of drama.

Fun facts about World Theater Day!

  • Aristotle held plot to be the most important element of drama, more important than character, thought, diction, the music, or the scenic features and special effects.
  • A woman by the name of Mrs. Fitzherbert died laughing in 1782 during a theater performance of A Beggar’s Opera by John Gay.
  • The playwright Molière collapsed on stage during a production of his own play, and he later died. His character was, ironically, a hypochondriac.
  • The word ‘obscene’ comes from an Ancient Greek word that translates as “off stage.” It referred to action that was not suitable for public audiences.

How to celebrate World Theater Day:

Enjoy theater in your area. Attend performances, and audition if you have dramatic inclinations. Donate or help with staging to support local theater.

What’s the hashtag for World Theater Day?

Promote theater by using #WorldTheaterDay on social media.