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When is World Nature Conservation Day?

World Nature Conservation Day is July 28th.

What is World Nature Conservation Day?

Humans are bright and inventive. Sometimes we get kind of sloppy though. And sometimes we get really sloppy. World Nature Conservation Day reminds us to care for the world around us and preserve it for the generations to come.

Our negligence takes a lot of forms. Energy production often takes a toll on natural areas. Invasive species can upset animal habitats and the delicate soil balances that allow plant life to flourish. Urban development can displace wildlife and introduce harmful pollutants into rivers and lakes.

There are times when we straight up abuse this place. We raze forests and poison rivers, and we don’t have to do this. Days like World Nature Conservation Day are concerted efforts to clean up our act and establish cultures that nurture life in all of its forms.

Facts about World Nature Conservation Day!

  • Because of irrigation-related river diversion, the Aral Sea—which used to be the fourth largest sea in the world—shrunk by more than 70%.
  • Wetlands are like the natural world’s kidneys. They filter freshwater and keep our rivers clean.
  • The world’s forests cover almost 10 billion acres of land. That’s down from the 14.5 billion acres that stood in the mid-1700s. (We’ve used a lot of trees.)
  • During an oil spill, many birds die of starvation because they can’t hunt.

How to celebrate World Nature Conservation Day:

  • Don’t litter.
  • Attend a conversation event. Keep up to date on the threats to nature in your area.
  • Join a group that runs environmental awareness activities in your community, and volunteer your time.
  • Take a serious look at your home’s energy efficiency. Does your weather-stripping need an update? Can you hang-dry more loads of clothes? Can you wrap your old water heater in an insulating blanket?
  • Look into eco-tourism for ideas on how to explore the world in environmentally sensitive ways.

What’s the hashtag for World Nature Conservation Day?

Celebrate the world’s beauty by using #WorldNatureConservationDay on social media.