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When is World Braille Day?

January 4th is World Braille Day.

What is World Braille Day?

You like ordering your own food on the menu. You also don’t want someone else handling your money at the bank, right? People who are blind don’t always have these options though. World Braille Day celebrates braille and promotes greater accessibility for visually impaired people.

Braille is a writing form that enables blind people to read. It started as a French military code for talking silently in the dark without lights. A 15-year old boy named Louis Braille took this “night writing” and streamlined it, and now it is used all across the world.

You’ll often find braille on elevators and calculators and signs at the grocery store, but not always. Using braille in everyday establishments like restaurants and hospitals can preserve the dignity of visually impaired folks, but without it, they have to rely on other people for these simple daily functions. On World Braille Day, we remember the need for braille in public places.

Fun facts about World Braille Day!

  • Braille is an alphabet or a code, not a language, so it can be used to write any language.
  • There is a special version of braille for math, the Nemeth Code.
  • Most people have the sensitivity to read braille, but fingertip calluses make it very hard or impossible to read.
  • Even drive-through ATMs must have braille on the keypads. Don’t worry though. That rule isn’t for blind drivers. That’s so blind passengers in taxis or the backseat of a car can use the ATM without the driver’s assistance.

How to celebrate World Braille Day:

Look for organizations that promote braille in public places and businesses. Donate to the cause, and raise social media awareness.

What’s the hashtag for World Braille Day?

Promote greater accessibility for the blind by using #WorldBrailleDay on social media.