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National Women of Skills DayWhat is National Women of Skills Day?

Women of Skills Day will encourage domestic violence survivors, domestic violence shelters, domestic violence advocates and women that are still in abusive relationships to learn a skilled trade to promote self sufficiency and learn multiple streams of income to fall back on.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary have intense partnerships with Cosmetology Schools, Salons and community partners to help women as they sign up to learn a skilled trade that interest them. Currently women that are pregnant or have a child under 3 years old and live in Texas are able to receive free training in the fields of cosmetology, barbering, hair braiding, body sculpting/med spa work, and business development. Business development helps a women establish a business plan, including registering her business, building a website or portfolio, designing business cards and establishing a work space.

Why was National Women of Skills Day created?

According to Institute of Women’s Policy Research; more than 80% of domestic violence survivors’ ability to work was postponed due to their intimate partner’s abuse. The main reason women don’t return to work is because of the noticeable scars, shame, guilt and the abuser’s sense of control.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary teaches domestic violence survivors skilled trades so they can become self sufficient while establishing a solid foundation for themselves and children without the hardship of abuse. We have witnessed countless young adults that are pregnant return to their abusers for financial support due to not having a foundation to stand on. Through teaching a skilled trade such as Hair Braiding, Cosmetology, Body Sculpting/Med Spa and more; a woman can make a living wage for herself and afford the lifestyle of a functional taxpayer.

A national calendar day for Domestic violence survivors to sign up for skilled trade training will bring awareness to other schools and community leaders to join our mission. Women that have completed our program are living wholesome lives without abuse.

How should National Women of Skills Day be celebrated or observed?

Women will be encouraged to sign up to learn a skilled trade of their interest.