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When is National Voter Registration Day?

The fourth Tuesday in September is National Voter Registration Day.

What is National Voter Registration Day?

At the heart of democracy is the right to cast a ballot, but not all Americans are even registered. In fact, the number is pretty low, compared to other developed countries. To promote the importance of this civil right, National Voter Registration Day reminds us to get registered to vote.

American voting has had a long and ugly history of discrimination. It’s a crying shame that poll taxes and literacy tests kept the poor out of the poll booth. There’s a serious concern—from all quadrants—that voters be informed about the issues at hand, but many solutions to that problem have been prejudiced and poorly executed.

Perhaps one day American citizens will have automatic voter registration at age 18. In the meantime, it’s up to us to encourage folks to vote. National Voter Registration Day is a great chance to join that effort. 

Fun facts about National Voter Registration Day!

Any registered voter can also become a poll worker, and some jurisdictions also allow high school and college students to work polls near their school.

Gerrymandering is the manipulation of voting districts to rig an election in favor of one group.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) and the Help America Vote Act (2002) both significantly increased the poll booth’s accessibility.

The National Association of Secretaries of State created National Voter Registration Day in 2012.

How to celebrate National Voter Registration Day:

Use your suffrage! That’s your right to vote. Register yourself, and look into absentee ballots if you won’t be in town during the election.

Prepare yourself. Find out when the next local, state, or federal election occurs. Research the issues, figure out your position, and cast your ballot.

If you’ve moved recently, re-register to vote at your new address.

What’s the hashtag for National Voter Registration Day?

Get the word out with #VoterRegistrationDay on social media.