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When is National Trivia Day?

January 4th is National Trivia Day.

What is National Trivia Day?

Which Day is celebrated February 2nd and is also the name of a movie? National Trivia Day is not the answer, but National Trivia Day is the day we celebrate trivia games and reminisce over pop culture.

Which weather event translates as “little boy” from Spanish? You might get that question on Trivia Night, either at the local sports bar or just in your living room. Two Canadians from Montreal, Quebec cooked up Trivial Pursuit in 1979, but trivia games first appeared back in the ‘60s as nostalgic tests of pop culture knowledge.

Nowadays, we refer to any obscure and/or useless knowledge as trivia, but we still love to memorize it and test each other. So whether you like to hang around encyclopedias on a Friday night or just soak up factoids through your social media feed, National Trivia Day is the day for you.

Fun facts about National Trivia Day!

  • ‘Trivia’ is the plural of ‘trivium.’
  • Everyone has a different tongue print, just like everyone has different fingerprints.
  • Wombat feces come out in nearly symmetrical, six-sided shapes. They poop cubes.
  • On a QWERTY keyboard—you’re probably using one now—the letter ‘a’ is the only vowel that does not sit on the top row.
  • The only sonar jamming creature we know of lives in Arizona, a species of tiger moth that can jam the echolocation of bats.

How to celebrate National Trivia Day:

  • Find a trivia night near you! Take your friends, and demonstrate the supremacy of your collective brain power.
  • If you don’t want to leave the house, play a trivia game at home. You could pull out the classic, Trivial Pursuit, or play a related game like Balderdash.

What’s the hashtag for National Trivia Day?

Post your favorite trivia with #NationalTriviaDay on social media.