When is this day celebrated? On the fourth Sunday of every October we want America to celebrate one of football’s great and underappreciated positions – Tight End. In 2021, this day will be celebrated on October 24th.
What is this day? National Tight Ends Day celebrates one of the underappreciated positions in football. Football is America’s Game because of the tireless efforts of so many – from the superstars to the staffers who clock an untold number of hours in pursuit of a championship. Gridiron glory often goes to the glamour positions like quarterback, wide receiver or running back. But there’s one group who does the work of many and doesn’t quite get the recognition they deserve. We’re talking about Tight Ends! Two-way players are a thing of the past in the NFL, but the tight end comes as close to that as possible, doing the jobs of two men on the football field. They block – battling 300lb beasts at the line of scrimmage. They catch passes – gracefully navigating the secondary like their leaner teammates at wide receiver. They are bruisers like Mike Ditka, ballers like Kellen Winslow Sr., ballerinas like Tony Gonzalez. Tight Ends deserve their day in the sun and NFL FIlms wants to give it to them. We even have a spokesman for the cause – 49ers Tight End George Kittle. He’s the fresh new face of the position and the inspiration for the idea of creating a day to recognize the great tight ends. You can see him get excited for the prospect for a Tight Ends day in this clip.
Who created this day? This day was founded by the NFL in 2019.
How should this day be celebrated or observed?
We want people to send messages to their favorite tight ends – whether it’s greeting cards or video messages. If you see a tight end in person, please give them a hug.