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When is this week celebrated? The last week in October, starting October 26, 2020. This year, National Temperature Week will be celebrated from 10/26/2020-11/01/2020.

What is National Temperature Check Week? 

In the lead up to cold and flu season, National Temperature Check Week – created by Braun Thermometers, the #1 recommended brand by pediatricians – will aim to educate people about the importance of knowing your personal temperature range, the different factors that can impact your temperature and what thermometers are most effective for different needs e.g ear, no touch, forehead or stick.

Why is this week being created? 

Temperature checks are now a part of our daily routines in this ‘new normal’. As we enter cold and flu season, it is even more critical that consumers are educated about how to best take an accurate temperature reading so they have the confidence to know what to do next if they are not feeling well.

While the average temperature is 98.6°F, body temperature varies considerably between individuals based on a number of factors, including age, gender, weight, physical activity and even time of day. Your temperature may look different to another person and studies have shown that the interpretation of a fever differs by site. For example, Rectal readings are generally higher than oral, while underarm readings are lower than oral readings.

How will this week be celebrated? 

By taking your temperature regularly during National Temperature Check Week, people will be able to better understand their unique temperature range to ensure they can closely monitor their health during this critical time.

People should take the time to learn more about what impacts an accurate temperature reading and the different thermometers available to best suit your personal needs. For tips about how to take an accurate temperature, fever guidance, thermometers and more visit