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When is this day? March 11th of each year.

What is this day? This day is National Sofrito Day. Sofrito is used as the cooking base for Spanish, Caribbean, Latin America, Italian and Portuguese cuisine. It’s a fragrant blend of herbs, vegetables and spices used to condiment the dishes. Sofrito is what gives the authentic flavor of each cuisine. Every country and region have their own variety. The word sofrito in Spanish means to lightly fry something. This technique was brought by the Spanish colonist to the Caribbean and Latin America in the late 1400. The first known mention of sofrito is references as “sofreight” in the “Libre de Sent Sovi” was published on 1324. This cookbook from the Catalan region of Spain is one of the oldest in Europe. It’s safe to say that sofrito has been flavoring our kitchens since medieval times.

Who created this day? Cooking with My Doctor

How is this day celebrated? By sharing to the world recipes from all of this counties and regions. Making cook out events and webinars. Creating recipe contests and naming the king of sofrito every year.