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On what day is National Sewing Machine Day celebrated? June 13

What is National Sewing Machine Day? This day commemorates the achievement of the sewing machine. The sewing machine revolutionized the way clothes are mass produced worldwide. The first blueprints of the machine were drawn up in 1790 by Thomas Saint, an English cabinet maker and inventor. However, his machine didn’t materialize until 1874, when William Newton stumbled upon Saint’s drawings, made revisions and built the model.  

Who founded this day? The creator of this day is unknown.

What is the hashtag? Use the hashtag #NationalSewingMachineDay when sharing on social media.

How to celebrate: Here’s are a few, fun sewing activities:

  • Never sewed before? Take a sewing class at a community center.
  • Sew an item, like a stuffed animal or dress, for a friend.
  • Visit a flea market or craft fair and purchase a sewed item of your choice!

What other days are there for sewing?

There are many other national days on our website. Try browsing one of our categories, or even create your own!