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When is National Send a Card to a Friend Day?

February 7th is National Send a Card to a Friend Day.

What is National Send a Card to a Friend Day?

Letter writing is an art. It’s not dead, though social media has certainly pushed it out of the spotlight. But who would rather get an email or social media message more than physical mail? National Send a Card to a Friend Day is a day people send cards to their friends saying how much they appreciate them.

You could mail the card. Everybody likes to get mail. Instead of a horde of ads and insurance pitches spilling from the mailbox, there’s a simple (or ornate) envelope waiting with your friend’s name and address inscribed neatly on the front.

Snail mail isn’t the only way though. You could also drop the card off at your friend’s desk at work, or even send an E-card if you’re feeling spunky.

However you do it, National Send a Card to a Friend Day is a great day to send your friend a quick note. They will be glad to know you thought of them.

Fun facts about National Send a Card to a Friend Day!

  • Your handwriting shows your personality. More than 5,000 traits show through your handwriting, from the way you shape and space your letters to how much pressure you use.
  • Writing letters by hand often eases stress, in part because it takes your eyes off your screen.
  • Hand-writing notes sharpens your writing skills and improves your wit.
  • Many websites offer prompts for people writing letters. To get you started, there are a few tips below.

How to celebrate National Send a Card to a Friend Day:

  • Include a memory in your card. “Remember when…”
  • List qualities you admire about your friend.
  • Thank your friend for something he or she taught you.
  • End with a thoughtful question to encourage them to write back.

What’s the hashtag for National Send a Card to a Friend Day?

Use #SendACardToAFriendDay on social media to spread the word.