When is National Safe House Day? This day is celebrated July 4th every calendar year.
What is National Safe House Day?
National Safe House Day is a day in which is meant to collectively celebrate freedom from violence and addiction.
National Safe House Day is a day in which collectively we share the Safe House Crisis/Recovery apps with those we love and care about, as well as assist all in need, get to a safer place sooner.
- Safe House Crisis and Recovery are in Google and Apple Play Stores!
- We are hoping both Safe House Crisis and Recovery Apps will one day be a factory setting on your device, as at Safe House we believe crisis and recovery management is even more important than a calculator!
National Safe House Day is a day focused on making people aware, by working in solidarity to eliminate bullying and stigma associated with crisis and addiction issues including, but not limited to: violence, sexual abuse/assault, human trafficking, harassment, stalking, abuse, crisis, bullying, self-harm, eating disorders, suicide attempt(s), and/or addiction (Etc).
- You can make a difference!
National Safe House Day is a day set aside to provide a platform that is meant to celebrate those who have overcome various forms of: violence, sexual abuse/assault, human trafficking, harassment, stalking, abuse, crisis, bullying, self-harm, eating disorders, suicide attempt(s), and/or addiction (Etc).
#iamnotalone #youarenotalone
- You are not alone!
1. The goal of National Safe House Day is to provide a day for those who are or have been considering breaking away from: violence, sexual abuse/assault, human trafficking, harassment, stalking, abuse, crisis, bullying, self-harm, eating disorders, suicide attempt(s), and/or addiction (Etc), and allow space for anyone to collectively claim freedom and encourage a united stance of support that promotes comfortability (safe space/house), to make the call that assists in the ultimate goal of getting to a safer place. #makethecall
- Agencies are ready and standing by when you’re ready to change your life!
2. The secondary goal of National Safe House Day is to provide a special day where those who have claimed freedom from: crisis issues mentioned above, and addiction, celebrate themselves in solidarity, with those who also have experienced similar life paths. #loveyoubecausewedo
- We’re so proud of you for making the decision to change your life and for getting to a safer place!
3. Lastly, National Safe House Day, is about the ability to then turn and help someone else you may know in need. This can happen when you share the Safe House Crisis/Recovery app information on social media, talking about it with friends and family, co-workers, school or handing out Safe House flyers or working to eradicate stigma, violence, bullying or addiction in other ways! The sky is the limit! #IMthebridgeTOO
Please join us wherever you are on July 4th and SHARE, AWARE, and most of all CELEBRATE freedom of violence and addiction on National Safe House Day!
Please visit: https://yoursaferplace.org/