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When is National Polar Bear Day?

February 27th is National Polar Bear Day.

What is National Polar Bear Day?

We track the Arctic ice cap by satellite. We’ve done it since 1979. It’s a good thing too, because we’ve noticed that it’s shrinking, and that’s a huge problem for polar bears. National Polar Bear Day raises awareness about the shrinking habitats of polar bears and other factors that threaten their long term survival.

Polar bears need ice. They stalk seals on the ice, and a good sized stretch of sea ice gets them back to their nesting grounds after the hunting season. They can swim a long, long ways, but the ice is their primary habitat.

The rapid loss of Arctic sea ice from global warming is the main threat to polar bears today. In October of 2018, the Arctic sea ice was way below average, the third lowest area since 1979 when they started tracking it.

Some polar bear populations are dwindling while others are relatively stable, but scientists expect that to change. Pollution and increased commercial use of their hunting grounds also pose problems. National Polar Bear Day is a chance to spread the word and work to preserve these magnificent creatures.

Fun facts about National Polar Bear Day!

  • Polar bears have black skin, and their fur is translucent, not white.
  • Polar bear fur is not actually fiber optic. That’s a myth, but their hair does absorb UV light (and heat) extraordinarily well.
  • In 2006, scientists discovered hybrids of polar bears and grizzlies in the wild.
  • There are only about 26,000 polar bears in the world.
  • Polar Bears International founded National Polar Bear Day in 2011.

How to celebrate National Polar Bear Day:

Learn more about polar bears and their shrinking habitats. Consider donating to polar bear conservation groups.

What’s the hashtag for National Polar Bear Day?

Use #NationalPolarBearDay on social media to advocate for the polar bear.