When is National Clean off Your Desk Day?
The second Monday in January is National Clean off Your Desk Day
What is National Clean off Your Desk Day?
Maybe strange odors are not wafting out of your filing cabinet, but chances are you let things go a bit at the end of the year. Christmas was coming, and New Year’s. We get it. Now it’s time to shape it up and ship out the waste, and National Clean off Your Desk Day is the day to do it.
“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Einstein said that. Some people embrace the clutter as a sign of creativity. For many creatives though, that creativity signal also diminishes productivity. Just as linear thinkers can learn the art of non-linear thinking, creatives with chaotic desks can learn the productivity-boosting power of organization.
It’s not all about productivity though. Many people keep their desk organized to promote the sense of calm and serenity that a cluttered workspace sometimes disrupts.
Wherever your desk lands on the messy-to-pristine spectrum, National Clean off Your Desk Day is the day to clean up your space for the new year.
Fun facts about National Clean off Your Desk Day!
- The 4-drawer variety of full-size metal filing cabinets can store 18,000 papers.
- The average desk jockey spends about 6 weeks of the year trying to find things, according to OrganizedWorld.com.
How to celebrate National Clean off Your Desk Day:
- Toss the trash. (And do it once a week to make it easy on yourself next year.)
- Remember: files, not piles. Figure out your filing style, and reorganize if it’s not working. Taking the extra 30 seconds to label things well pays dividends in time down the road.
- Organize your drawers with a drawer organizer. Then you won’t need to keep nuzzling your coffee mug into the nest of paper clips by your computer.
- Designate drawer space for your distractibles like cell phones, stress toys, and that daily tear-off calendar with the comic that you keep glancing at.
What’s the hashtag for National Clean off Your Desk Day?
Post the before-and-after pics of your desk with #CleanOffYourDeskDay on social media.