When is National Bowhunting Day? This day will take place on the first Saturday in October of each calendar year.
What is National Bowhunting Day?
National Bowhunting Day exists to bring together sportsmen and women together to celebrate the beginning of hunting seasons throughout the nation and celebrate the time-honored tradition of bowhunting. This day is designed to encourage folks to take the day to go out hunting, share your experiences and enjoy the great outdoors.
Why is this day being celebrated or observed?
Bowhunting dates back to the Stone Age and can be traced throughout history in many regions around the world, including Asia, Europe, and North America. Bowhunter’s are true conservationists and skilled sportsmen. Bowhunters harvest game for sustenance, help manage wildlife populations and contribute over 13 billion dollars annually to America’s economy. We want to create National Bowhunting Day to celebrate this sport and everything around it.
How should this day be celebrated or observed?
We encourage everyone to spend National Bowhunting Day getting out in nature. If your season has started it’s a great day to kick it off, if it’s not quite hunting season yet in your state, spend this day getting your equipment and favorite hunting spot ready to go.
Who created this day? This day was created by Redline Bowhunting in September 2021.