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When is National Book Lovers Day? National Book Lovers Day is observed on August 9th.

What is National Book Lovers Day? Books have had a long and interesting history. For quite some time, knowledge was passed down through oral tradition. Over time, however, people began to use animal skin (vellum) or parchment. In the 15th century Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. 

Since then books have moved from using ink to using toner. Now, e-books are growing in use as we read our books through a digital medium. Audio books are also taking a place of their own, as globalization continues to impact our travel and daily lives.

Fun fact about National Book Lovers Day! Before the printing press was developed, books were kept on bindings in the libraries. There were significantly fewer book copies because each and every book had to be hand written. Hence the need to keep each copy as safe as possible.

How to celebrate National Book Lovers Day: In this current age of fast moving travel, business, noise, and utility, we aren’t very good as slowing down and giving ourselves a day to explore the world of reading. Today, push everything to the side, grab a book you’ve been wanting to read, get in hammock or reading chair, and enjoy yourself. Don’t know where to start? Visit your local library! 

What is the hashtag for National Book Lovers Day? Use #nationalbookloversday to post on social!