What day is National Men’s Day? November 19
What is National Men’s Day? National Men’s Day is a day when the men in our lives are affirmed for their positive role and valuable influence. This national day also seeks to bring awareness to the boys in our nation who are without proper role models or father figures, giving us an opportunity to better care for their development.
Who founded this day? National Men’s Day was created by Thomas Oaster in 1992. Early on the holiday was celebrated in February but as the holiday has developed nearly every country now celebrates it in February — the reason for this mass shift is unclear.
Important Facts about National Men’s Day:
- National Men’s Day is an internationally recognized event (that right, “International Men’s Day”) which has been celebrated by 35 different countries!
- Statistics show that about one-fourth of children grow up in a mother-only family.
- Statistics also tell us that the average father is with his children for less than 10 minutes a day.
- Children have a much healthier developmental process if they have proper male and female role models.
- Young boys are especially impressionable by older male figures, for good or ill. Caring well for younger males is a major aspect of National Men’s Day.
How to Celebrate:
- Seek out and affirm the male role models in your life — do something to display your gratitude, such as going out to eat, getting a sports game together, going to a sporting event, or exploring nature.
- Check with your greater community and donate the day to a big brother type of outreach where you can spend time with a boy who needs a real role model.
- Examine how much time you are spending with the younger male generation, whether your own children or the younger men that life brings you into contact with, and commit to spending intentional time with them — either for the day or throughout the year.
And as always check with your greater community and see how they are celebrating this holiday!
What is the hashtag? Due to its international influence, the hashtag for National Men’s Day is #internationalmensday