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When is Autistic Pride Day?

Autistic Pride Day occurs on June 18th.

What is Autistic Pride Day?

People with Autism don’t always need treatment. Nor do they need pity. They need what we all need: to be acknowledged and loved for who we are. Autistic Pride Day celebrates the strengths and abilities of Autistic people and exposes myths the public believes about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Who runs the campaigns and promotes Autistic Pride Day? It’s autistic people, not charities trying to support autistic people. That’s significant. People with ASD are capable of doing great things. The disorder is not always a disability.

For many autistic folks, the disorder simply gives them a different perspective on the world. If they ever went through treatment, they don’t need it anymore. They need friends, paychecks, cool glasses of water on warm days, something fun to do on a Friday night—the same things the rest of the world needs.

Humanity is a kaleidoscope of variety, and variety is the spice of life. So take Autism Pride Day to celebrate the human race’s neurodiversity.

Fun facts about Autistic Pride Day!

There are many treatments for autism, but there is no cure. People with autism simply think and perceive the world differently.

The biggest challenges many autistic people face come from how others view autism, as well as an unwillingness to accommodate the autistic condition.

The CDC found in 2018 that 1 of every 59 children is diagnosed with ASD.

Autism has no medical testing procedure, like a blood test or an EKG. It’s neurological, so diagnosis comes from interviewing parents and watching a child’s behavior and development.

How to celebrate Autistic Pride Day:

Have an Autistic Pride party. Invite your friends over—autistic or not—and offer them food and music. Set up a booth that unmasks myths about autism.

Attend an official event for Autistic Pride Day. Many cities host them, though there is often a main event located in several major cities around the world.

What’s the hashtag for Autistic Pride Day?

Post on social media using #AutisticPride and #AutisticPrideDay.