When is International Parity at Work Day?
January 11th is International Parity at Work Day.
What is International Parity at Work Day?
The World Economic Forum said in 2017 that workplace gender parity will take 170 years to achieve. Folks, it doesn’t have to take that long. International Parity at Work Day celebrates diverse work environments and promotes equitable pay regardless of an employee’s gender.
Why do women receive lower pay for equivalent work? There are plenty of reasons, though some simply have to do with men’s unwillingness to resist the system. Men often don’t challenge other men when they witness discrimination. The “boys club” mentality often keeps women out of the executive boardroom.
And it’s too bad. It reduces company profits and insults people who work harder and/or smarter than their male counterparts, only to lose promotions to them.
This can change though. International Parity at Work Day is here to remind us to fight against bigotry, laziness, and unfair compensation.
Facts about International Parity at Work Day!
- Gallup said in 2016 that U.S. women earned only 83% of what men earned for equivalent work. The global numbers are far worse.
- Companies with more women in leadership tend to hire more women overall.
- International Parity at Work Day was launched in London in 2017.
How to celebrate International Parity at Work Day:
- Call out discrimination. Challenge it, and push for equitable pay between the genders.
- Contact your HR department, and ask what policies they have in place to ensure workplace parity.
What’s the hashtag for International Parity at Work Day?
Use #ParityAtWork on social media to promote equitable compensation in the workplace.