When is this day celebrated? April 3
What is this day? Woman’s World and First for Women magazines spread joy to millions of women every month. From our colorful covers to our unique editorial formula, our brands create joyful environments that result in emotionally connected and inspired readers. Our ability to spread joy truly sets us apart and has led to unmatched success and a passionate audience. We’d like celebrate Inspiring Joy Day by including a feature in our magazines and inspiring others to partake in small acts of kindness.
Why was this day created? We know how important it is to spread joy and motivate others to live their best lives. Whether your inspiration comes from a feel-good story or an act of kindness–we love sharing these little reminders of how much goodness there is in the world. On April 3rd, we’d like to use Inspiring Joy Day to motivate others to find what makes them happy and share this inspiration with their family, friends or community.
How should this day be celebrated? Our employees will be celebrating by volunteering at several charities in New York City. We’ll be encouraging readers to give back and make others smile through suggested acts in our magazines and online.