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When is HarryStrong Day? February 2 

Who founded this day? This day was founded by Rebecca Brockmeyer, founder of the HarryStrong Foundation, in 2018. The HarryStrong Foundation’s mission is to help brighten the days of NICU families as they navigate the uncertain journey of a very difficult and scary start into the world outside the comfort of mommy’s tummy. 

What is HarryStrong Day? When Harry was an infant he was diagnosed with Hydrops, a rare condition in which the fetus is characterized by an accumulation of fluid, or edema, in at least two fetal compartments. Harry spent 72 days at Akron Children’s Hospital as his NICU team tried to resolve his hydrops. This condition has a 60-90% fatality rate. Harry was only given a 20% chance to live, but he survived and is growing into an amazing, growing, thriving boy!

How to celebrate: You can celebrate the day by donating to your local Children’s Hospital or to the HarryStrong Foundation